Data Recovery

Your data is important and thats important to us.  


Steps To Take When You’ve Lost Your Data

Check for a back up.  Do you back up your data on a regular basis?  Data loss due to equipment failure, human error or mother nature is a lot easier to manage if you know you have everything backed up. 

Dont have a back up?  Theres still hope, we still have options.  Let us take a deep dive into the hardware to attempt partial or full recovery of your data.  Contact us today for more information. 

Dont Panic

Attempt a Reboot

Restore From A Back Up

Contact ELC Rose LLC, and let us have try

Restore Your Lost Data


Preventing Data Loss

Number one thing you can do to prevent data loss is regular back ups and then redundancy.  Check data backups for curruption as well.  Make sure that back ups are not all stored in the same location.  Keep you systems up to date.  For some reason, this might be the easies of the tasks to follow through with but one of the more observed attributes of crashed systems.  Update your drivers as well as firmware on you home or buisness devices as well